Planning & Zoning

The Planning & Zoning Commission reviews proposed amendments to zoning ordinances, site plans and plat applications, and also makes recommendations to the Council regarding the current and future development of the City of Arco.  

The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday, July 10th at 9 am in the City Office. 



City of Arco Planning & Zoning


July 10, 2024

9:00 am @ The City Office 302 W Grand Ave

Arco, ID 83213







  • Review Building Permit – Valley Insurance – Action Item
  • Butte Co School Dist 111 question re: property subdivision - Action Item
  • Questions from Butte County Planning re: Area of Impact
  • Work on updates for City Planning Ordinances
  • Discuss setting regular meeting date to 2nd Wednesday each month – Action Item


At any time during the meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission may hold Executive Sessions on the authority of I.C. § 74-206 (1), a., b., f., j., & I.C. § 74-206A (1) b. The purpose of such sessions shall be announced at the time the sessions are called.




Arco Planning & Zoning Commission: Rebecca Lange, Kim Sanders, Amanda Wetherbee

a blueprint

Planning and Zoning